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S pujah
Dr. S Pujah is a seasoned entrepreneur, leading ventures such as Balance1Studio and innovating in sustainable wellness with Bio7 and Geo 7 spaces.
As a distinguished public speaker, Dr. Pujah has conducted over 50 seminars worldwide, inspiring audiences with her insights on energy balance, emotional wellbeing, and positive energy flow.
Beyond speaking engagements, Dr. Pujah is a prolific author, sharing her knowledge on personal growth, life balance, and decoding ancient wisdom in her written works.
With a background in investment banking, Dr. Pujah brings strategic acumen to her ventures, showcasing her skills as a discerning investor in wellness and retreat enterprises.

Manifesting Chakras & Abundance
Nature can heal us
Decoding the Secrets of Indian Vedas & Ayurveda for Body & Spaces Wellness
Discover the astonishing power of nature’s 5 [elements] to effortlessly manifest your wildest desires. Forge an unshakable foundation for wellness professionals at all levels, from [thriving novices] to awe-inspiring masters.
Your E-books Library Awaits!

Bio 7
The Bio 7 Wellness Method: A Revolutionary Guide to Balance Polarities and Manifest Chakra’s Petal

Dr. S Pujah


Dr. S Pujah

Dr. S Pujah

Chakra petals polarities

Dr. S Pujah
Ancient Universe's Method for Life Balance & Manifestation
Unlock the curated ancient method for balancing life and spaces, ready to manifest personal growth in any domain.

Bio 7 Wellness Method
Bio 7 WELLNESS is a scientific approach to human wellbeing. We measure energy pointers on physical, mental, and emotional levels and fix out-of-sync frequencies using our unique technique.
– Body Doshas,
– Chakra Petals
– Meridians
– Planets , Colors , Gemstone
– Aromatherapy ,
– Western Astrology
– Body IR UV Polarity Balancing
Balancing Body Polarities
Frequency is nothing but the measurable rate of electrical current going from point A to point B. Frequencies impact our state of well-being. A healthy body has a frequency between 62-72MHz. Diseases start if the frequency drops to 58 MHz., Designs to Decode the Universe Secrets and Life Time reports for this Life Time Report

Geo7 Spaces Method
Geo 7 is a methodology for creating coherent energies in spaces through ancient wisdom and integrated concepts.
– Sacred geometry shapes
– Chakras petals on our living spaces
– Elements of the spaces
– Frequencies of space
– Marma points of spaces
– Geopathic, EMF, Sick Building Syndrome
Balancing Ayurveda in Spaces
Our Best Signature Programs offer in-depth occult science studies, exploring interconnected modalities for holistic healing. The human body is comprised of fire, water, air, earth, and sky elements. Imbalances in these elements lead to diseases. Energy Corrections restore balance on all levels of mind, body, and soul.
Understanding Manifestation from Visible Spectrum of Sun Rays Balance Polarities
Sunlight, minus the ultraviolet and infrared ends of the spectrum, offers a captivating lens for understanding manifestation, particularly in the realm of health and wellness. Each color within the visible spectrum resonates with specific energetic frequencies, influencing our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Let’s delve into the vibrant tapestry of color and its potential to manifest health and wellness.
We create synchronicity between mind, body, soul, and spaces
Frequently asked questions
BIO 7 WELLNESS is a scientific and research-based approach towards human wellbeing and is put into practice by our team of scientists and healers. It is a method in which we measure energy pointers on 3 levels- physical, mental and emotional. Based on the bio frequencies scans, we drive solutions to fix the out of sync frequencies. This technique is uniquely crafted and developed, validated by years of experience. The essential oil blends, frequency based diets, mental intents and the aromatherapy are some of the techniques blended in healing the out of sync frequencies.
Geo 7 Is Healing methodology for spaces to create a coherent energies by decoding ancient wisdom, scriptures. We utilize multiple concepts in an integrated fashion to bring synchronicity of the spaces. We use the following fundamentals :- Sacred geometry shapes- Chakras petals on our living spaces- Elements of the spaces- Frequencies of space- Marma points of spacesWith GEO 7 SPACE create an environment that represents your goals and passions towards inculcating energies that work for you .We also evaluate the geopathic stress and EMF. We take care of sick building syndromes We have the best and the latest gadgets supporting our work which is used by CIA/other agencies globally.
Based on your initial assessment or scan of your body or spaces with our specialist you can select the services which suits best for you.
Online scheduling allows you to easily request appointments with us. An appointment can be scheduled by using a form for a specific day and also for a week or month. For detailed instructions on how to request an Online Booking Page, please visit our website.
Frequency is nothing but the measurable rate of electrical current going from point A to point B. Frequencies impact our state of well-being. A healthy body has a frequency between 62-72MHz. Diseases start if the frequency drops to 58 MHz.
Nature can heal us. Essential oils are concentrated extractions from plants. Essential oils have a variety of health benefits, from skin care to stress relief. The most common way to use essential oils is to inhale them, either directly out of the bottle or by using a diffuser or humidifier.Essential oil frequencies have a wide range from 46 MHz up to 580 MHz. Essential oils have frequencies going higher than the food we eat. Aligning and making the right shift in energies using the essential oil blends and salts is the art and science of what we do.
An electromagnetic field (also EMF or EM field) is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field.
The word ‘Geopathic’ is derived from two Greek words: ‘Geo’ means ‘Earth’ and ‘Pathos’ means ‘Suffering’ or ‘Disease’. Geopathic Stress is the general term used for natural radiation emanating from the earth, which may cause health problems in human beings.. It is an umbrella word that covers all forms of earth induced stress like Hartmann grids, Ley lines, Black Streams & Curry lines, etc. It is also known to cause higher breakdowns. Geopathic stress doesn’t just affect homes. At the workplace, it can lead to employees feeling dissatisfied, tired and disgruntled leading to higher absenteeism and even attrition.
Explore Our Courses now!
Our treatment principle relies on the common understanding- What can be measured, can be managed. Essentially everything is energy and we utilize the energy measurement through the proprietary and engineered concept healing method, which integrates the measurement of the frequencies of the body and the mind and further alignment and correction of those frequencies by use of essential oils and sacred geometry.
A healthy body has a frequency between 62-72MHz. Diseases start if the frequency drops to 58 MHz. Aligning and making the right shift in energies using the essential oil blends and salts is the art and science of what we do.
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